
Tanks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are moving to the western part of Severodonetsk

Tanks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were spotted in the industrial zone of Severodonetsk.

Despite the strongest pressure on the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Severodonetsk, it became known that the Ukrainian military was able to bring tanks into the western part of the city. At the moment, the direction of the transfer of tanks remains unknown, however, judging by the video footage, Ukrainian armored vehicles are located in the industrial zone and on the western outskirts of the city.

On the presented video frames, you can see a Ukrainian tank firing from the main weapon. According to sources, the video footage was filmed in the western part of the city, which, among other things, is indicated by industrial buildings. Considering the fact that armored vehicles are located here, this creates additional risks for the rapid advance of the LPR forces and the RF Armed Forces in Severodonetsk.

Previously, it was assumed that the Armed Forces of Ukraine withdrew armored vehicles across the Seversky Donets River in order to subsequently begin a retreat with minimal losses, however, it is obvious that Ukrainian armored vehicles were again brought to the outskirts of the city.

To date, the Armed Forces of Ukraine control less than half of the city's territory and are gradually losing control over it, however, they are still trying to hold their positions, including through the organization of fortifications.
