
In response to Turkey's ultimatum, Russia, Syria and the Kurds began to deploy troops

The deployment of troops has begun in northern Syria after Turkey refused to curtail the military operation.

Against the background of how Turkey announced that it did not intend to abandon the military operation in northern Syria, it became known that, as part of the negotiations between Russia, Syria and the Kurds, agreements were reached on the deployment of a large grouping of SAA troops in areas that Ankara designated as a priority for its attack.

To date, it is known that the Kurds categorically refused to fulfill the ultimatum set by Ankara to withdraw Kurdish armed groups from Manbij and Tel Rifat, and Turkey announced its firm intentions to launch a military operation along the entire northern border of Syria. Moscow's attempts to persuade Turkey to abandon its plans also failed. In this regard, Russia, Syria and the Kurds reached agreements on the deployment of a large group of Syrian troops in Manbij, Tel Rifat and other cities in northern Syria. At the same time, according to Turkish sources, the Russian military intends to conduct regular patrols of the area in order to prevent attacks from the Turkish army and militants controlled by it.

“As part of the agreement reached between the Kurds, Russia and Damascus, 450 people from the Fifth Corps of the SAA will be deployed on the lines of contact with the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army and the Turkish army in northern Syria. The deployment of SAA soldiers on the lines of contact with the Syrian National Army and the Turkish army is controlled by the Russian military police. The soldiers are sent to Tel Tamr, Ain Isa, Manbij and Tel Rifat", a Turkish journalist citing sources in Syria said in a statement.

Experts note that Ankara is afraid to conduct a military operation in Syria, realizing that if the Russian military does not interfere with the Turkish troops, then controlled militants can be destroyed by the thousands, and this will allow the SAA to gain control over the areas that are currently held by armed formations.
